Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tempeh is awesome!

I was so nervous to try tempeh. It seems so ubiquitous in vegetarian eating, but made me nervous. As it is, I still have yet to overcome my fear of tofu. I know it is extraordinarily versatile, and I have enjoyed it here and there, but I kind of wanted a good protein source that I could just sort of handle no matter how it turned out. I've very much enjoyed tofu, but I've also very much been grossed out by it.

Enter tempeh. It's not the same enjoyment I used to get out of a cheeseburger, but it's good and it's nice knowing I'm getting protein. And it's so inexpensive! $1.79 at Trader Joe's got me a block of it, from which I've gotten two meals and counting.

I took just a little bit of butter and melted it in the pan, along with a little soy sauce and some wasabi sauce. In that, I cooked a bunch of fresh cubed pineapple. When there was enough juice in the pan, I added chopped peppers and the tempeh, and stir fried it all, then let it simmer for awhile.

It was delicious! And even better the next day, when I seasoned it with cayenne pepper. All for not very much money, lots of protein and vitamins, but very few calories!

Hooray for tempeh!

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Meat That I Miss/Am Sad About Never Eating Again

I'm happy to not be eating meat, but there are definitely things that when I think of them, make me sad that I'll never have again.

Sausage biscuits from McDonald's


Hot wings


Taco Bell crunchy tacos

McDonald's cheeseburgers

Chicken nuggets

Chicken fingers

Cheeseburgers. Even though I hadn't liked them for awhile, I used to really, really love them.

Beef tamales

Lomo Saltado


Meatballs (especially on pizza)


Meat meals on the cruise I WILL go on one day, because they're so elegant

Chicken piccata

Chicken quesadillas

Cobb salad

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Cheese + Me = 4Eva? :'(


So like I said, I had no intention to become vegan, at least not in years. I tried in 1997 after reading an Entertainment Weekly interview with Fiona Apple, and then again in 2000 when I was inspired by the first season of "Survivor." Those were attempts born from inspiration, but not exactly the kind that will carry me through a huge, life-changing choice.

I actually felt good the couple of times I went vegan. Eating-wise mind you, I'm sure I do a billion different incorrect lifestyle things, as far as these things go. But in retrospect, I felt better than I did just eating vegetarian.

In 1996, I gave up dairy products after reading Fran Drescher's autiobiography. Dude, she made a convincing argument. Saying she struggled with her weight until she gave up dairy, and as it turns out a lot of people are allergic to dairy. I tried it myself, and lost 10 pounds. My hair and skin looked great.

But then I got dumped and couldn't eat a thing. I lost 10 pounds from that, but really needed nutrients, and all I could keep down was Slim-Fast. So I went back to dairy when I started eating again.

Now I'm wondering if I was meant to not consume dairy all along. More and more lately, I'm turned off by cheese. Mind you! Cheese, crackers, and red wine is my very favorite dinner. Yet the more I try to eat organic, and center meals around raw foods, the less I like cheese. Even though, is cheese considered raw? Or does the way it's made counteract that? This is why I'm keeping a blog. So many questions...

Two weeks ago, I concocted a meal. Flax seed bread spread with hummus, topped with orange peppers and muenster cheese. Back in the day -- and by the day I mean three months ago -- I would have dutifully eaten the healthy parts of the dinner, but really enjoyed the cheese part. But that night I found myself picking off the cheese and really savoring the rest of it, especially the peppers.


I thought that my sudden distaste for Kraft macaroni (!!!) was due to my body rejecting chemicals after the Cleanse. What if it was just about the cheese!

Because yesterday I had a healthy salad for lunch with legumes and tomatoes, but splurged with fresh mozzarella and regular Italian dressing.

Then for dinner I had the cheese and eggplant from a slice of pizza.

And my stomach was in tatters! TATTERS! There was no rest or relief, just searing pain that lasted through the night and until the morning.


So although it breaks my heart, I think I'm going to give up cheese for a week and see how I feel. Trepidation. What if I never got to have one last night of passion with cheese and crackers? No last fruit plate? What in the world do I eat on an airplane now? These are the questions that keep me up at night. But I suppose they are better than terrible stomach pain keeping me up at night.

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I Think I'm Turning Vegetarian :o

Hello! This is where I'm going to channel all of my fascination with the transition to possible vegetarianism (and maybe veganism?). I might post these on my regular blog, but this isn't about writing -- just chatting and discussing about health/food/etc. Also a place to write about various fails and wins regarding meat substitutes and the nights I am ambitious enough to go all-raw!

I am currently a pesco-ovo-lacto-tarian, or whatever it would be officially called. It annoys me when people eat fish but unequivocally call themselves vegetarians. I am not a full vegetarian yet.

I'd tried to be vegetarian a bunch of times throughout my life. I've gone vegan for a few weeks once or twice. I did it to lose weight, and also I am a huge bleeding heart when it comes to animals. I can't even kill a bug for the most part. So I felt hypocritical eating animals.

But it never stuck. I'd get tempted by pepperoni pizza after a night of drinking, or in the case of my last venture, I was eating fish but no meat, and felt sick to my stomach for a month. This unease that made me think maybe I was pregnant even. I didn't know what it was, but one night my mother made roast beef and my body craved it something fierce. I ate it, and felt instantly better. Later that summer, I learned that Type O blood needs meat, especially red meat, to thrive.

So I figured it wasn't in the cards, and for the next five and a half years was a happy meat eater, enjoying red meat the most, but never too crazy about chicken. Really, I mostly just liked either steak, ground beef, and/or unhealthy meat -- cold cuts, chicken fingers...I hated meat that resembled its original form -- chops, chicken on the bone, even steaks on the bone freaked me out. To quote Lorelai Gilmore, "I don't like behind-the-scenes food *stuff.*"

But more and more, my beloved meat dishes were grossing me out. I was excited to get a filet mignon one night, but it smelled wrong to me. I ate a few pieces and my boyfriend ate the rest, said it was great. Then I got KFC awhile later and same as with the steak, it was like I could smell the animal's history. I tried just eating burgers, which I always loved and ate totally rare. Same thing. I just kept feeling like I was smelling the animal.

So I stopped eating land meat for a few weeks, feeling it out as I went. I had bacon a couple of times and pepperoni a couple of times, because they basically just taste and smell like salt and seasoning to me, and aren't "meaty" (I liked crispy bacon).

Then I did The Master Cleanse, and it changed me even more. Despite my resolution to have chicken enchiladas one more time when I was starving and my boyfriend (who is a stellar cook) made some for himself, I didn't want meat at all; it wasn't even tempting. I still ate fish, and am eating fish, but that is way fewer and far between.

It was that I found myself craving like, peppers and hummus and lettuce and all sorts of stuff like that. I thought people on the message threads for the cleanse were full of it when they'd be like, "I plan to go all-raw eventually!" But I could really see it, with my cravings. I craved a hardboiled egg big-time, and a slice of pizza another, and of course, the aforementioned chicken enchiladas. But mainly I craved raw, whole, vegan food.

When I went off the cleanse, like I said, meat didn't tempt me at all anymore. And little by little, animal products are losing their appeal. A couple of weeks ago, my boyfriend cooked tuna and I cooked salmon. After I managed to crash my salmon to the ground and shatter the dish it was in, rendering it useless, I had some of his tuna. And like I said, he is a great cook, and tuna steak was my FAVORITE. But this time it tasted like the last time I ate lamb long ago -- like, my brain could remember why I'd liked it, but now it just felt like grease and fat lingering in my mouth. So I think I'm done with tuna steak. Eggs haven't appealed to me either, since the cleanse, though I do enjoy Morningstar and other products with egg in them still. Cheese is still cool, but feels much richer now and I don't always like it.

So we'll see. In the meantime, cutting out meat and doing the cleanse has lost me 10 more net pounds, and I just feel healthier and happier.

Have a great day!

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